Cutting to Fit

Your Trusted Commercial Flooring Partner in Melbourne

If you are looking for a reliable and professional team to install high-quality floors for your commercial or industrial space, look no further than Team Floor. We have the industry experience and expertise to design and install the perfect flooring solutions for Melbourne homes and businesses. Whether you prefer tiles, carpets, or any other flooring option, we will deliver seamless flooring installations with excellent customer service and satisfaction guaranteed.

Our team is second to none when it comes to floor preparation services. Our clients rely on us for comprehensive and affordable solutions for any size of project. With our well-trained team, clear communication and friendly customer service, we have everything you need from your flooring partner. We specialise in improving the condition of all spaces, from commercial tiling for wet areas to carpeting for office spaces.

Why Choose Us!

Choose Team Flooring for expert flooring installation and removal, backed by a commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.

Experienced And Certified Professionals

Our team of flooring installers and removers are experienced and certified in all types of flooring materials.

Quality Workmanship

We use the highest quality materials and techniques to ensure that your new flooring looks its best and lasts for years to come.

Affordable prices

We offer competitive pricing on all of our flooring installation and removal services.

Contact the experts at Team Floor today!

Ready to transform your space? Say goodbye to old vinyl and hello to a fresh canvas. Contact us today for expert vinyl flooring removal and let's start your renovation journey!